Beginner- React Functional Components for Beginner Level
- React için bilinmesi gereken JavaScript | by ismail simsek | Medium
- React Nedir ?. ReactJS ile Web ve Mobil Uygulamaları… | by Serkan Erip
- orcuntuna/react-turkce-kaynak: React.js öğrenmek için kullanabileceğiniz ücretsiz Türkçe kaynak.
- Framer Guide to React
- React Dersleri | Yazılım Bilimi
- React Tutorials | The Net Ninja
- React Context & Hooks Tutorial | The Net Ninja
- Full React Tutorial | The Net Ninja
- Learn React For Beginners in 2021 | Anthony Sistilli
Intermediate- Aklımda Kalsın: React'ta Hataları Yakalayalım | Berat Bozkurt
- Use React.memo() wisely
- Build great React components
- 5 React Custom Hooks You Should Start Using (Explained) - DEV Community
- React.memo, useMemo ve useCallback Nedir? | by Aykut Kardaş | Dec, 2020 | Medium
- Thinking in React Hooks
- React Uygulamalarında TDD. Test güdümlü React uygulamaları… | by Oğuz Kılıç | Medium
- Understanding the useEffect Dependency Array | by Denny Scott | Better Programming
- useHooks - Easy to understand React Hook recipes
- Theming React Components with CSS Variables - Bits and Pieces
- React Training: React: "mount" vs "render"?
- React Türkçe Dokuman
- Complete React Tutorial (With Redux) | The Net Ninja
- React, Redux & Firebase App Tutorial | The Net Ninja
- Ionic 5 + Firebase + React | codedamn
- Stop using isLoading booleans
- TypeScript + React: Component patterns
Advanced- How to use React Context effectively
- React Architecture: The React Provider Pattern | Morten Barklund
- Using React with D3.js
- Blogged Answers: A (Mostly) Complete Guide to React Rendering Behavior
- A Complete Guide to useEffect — Overreacted
- TkDodo's blog
- Making Sense of React Hooks. This week, Sophie Alpert and I… | by Dan Abramov
- Micro-frontend architecture and React with Web Components
- Creating a React App… From Scratch. - Noteworthy - The Journal Blog
- Blogged Answers: Why React Context is Not a "State Management" Tool (and Why It Doesn't Replace Redux) · Mark's Dev Blog
- Modern React testing — Artem Sapegin’s Blog
- Next.js Tutorial | codedamn